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Computer Hardware Engneering

Computer Hardware Engneering

Computer Hardware Engg. involves study of Hardware, networking and programming. In 1997 we started Computer Hardware Maintenance and  from 2015 onwards name  and the contents of the course modified as Computer Hardware Engineering. Computer hardware diploma engineers design, develop, and test computer systems and components such as processors, circuit boards, memory devices, networks, and routers.  With the advent of technology and advances in R&D, the scope of hardware engineering has been expanded to include hardware devices enabling embedded software engineering in non-computer devices. The scope of hardware engineering is limited not just to the designing and development of computer or embedded systems, but also to integrate the various devices for the functioning of the entire business system.With the advent of technology and advances in R&D, hardware engineering is now prevalent in newer fields such as mobile computing and distributed systems, computer vision and robotics, etc…Diploma holders in CHE branch can work areas like Hardware,Networking,programming , system admin  etc….AS in other diploma programmes short term and long term courses are available for higher studies/specialization.


To provide every student with a strong conceptual foundation in the core areas of their subject.

To enable students to engineer ingenious solutions with the greatest degree of accuracy, flexibility and based on the latest engineering paradigms.

To familiarize students with the latest in Electronics Engineering

To provide the greatest amount of pragmatism in approaching an engineering solution.

To provide students with hands-on engineering experience through laboratory courses and project.

To coach students to work in teams and provide insight and direction into the atmosphere as might be encountered by professionals in the field.